The Council Votes

Sneaky little black eyes watched from their hiding place as the meeting of the council was called to order.

"We have come together to discuss the matter of Christmas," declared Queen Jadwiga.

"Your Majesty and Council members," Kris Kringle began, "shepherds, angels, wise men and now we, the North Poles, know about this special birthday. I feel that I would like to join in the celebration. In the spirit of the three wise men and jolly old Saint Nicholas, I would like, at least on one day of the year to do something for others, many of whom are less fortunate than I am. I am especially moved to do something for the children of the world because my good wife Holly and I have been given the glad news that we will become parents soon."

There was a round of applause and good wishes. It was a few moments before Kris could continue. "On the eve of Christmas, I intend, that after the children are settled, all snug in their beds, that my special helpers, and our flying reindeer, and I will fly to their roof tops in sleds packed with gifts. We can then jump down their chimneys and put the gifts inside for them without ever having to wake them up by knocking on the doors," said Kris.

"We have become prosperous and happy. If everyone in the village were to join in, we could reach even more children. We could prepare for Christmas all year 'round. That would give us here at the North Pole Village a really special purpose in life," Said Nicholas Kringle. "I propose that my little brother, Kris Kringle, be the North Poles' ambassador of peace and goodwill to all mankind, especially the children of the world." Everyone heartily agreed.

Queen Jadwiga declared that this was a new beginning. She said, "The spirit of Christmas is to share. We all need each other. I am very happy. Please go home and share our news with your families."

With that, the sneaky black feathered spy left his hiding place eager to fly home across the vast wilderness to share the news with his mistress, Witch Hazel and her brother Warlock Basil. They would be so pleased to learn the location of the joymakers which they loathed.

Kris Kringle, the North Poles' Ambassador of peace and good will to the world, would become a new target for the witches wrath, but back at the North Pole Village a merry feeling settled over the village of snowfolk, Vegetarians, and townspeople which forever after could be felt all year 'round.

To Chapter Fourteen - Thistle Castle